Picture Of His Life Title

Amos Nachoum is one of the greatest underwater photographers of all times.

Fascinated by the most fearsome creatures on Earth, he has developed a unique approach, that puts him face to face with his subjects, without any protection. He has swam with and photographed Anacondas, Giant Leopard Seals, Great White Sharks, Orcas and Crocodiles, but Now, at the age of 65, he is about to face his ultimate challenge: to swim, face face, unprotected with A Polar Bear.

While he is on this journey to the Canadian high Arctic, he will also have to deal with an old and painful memory….

  • Format:
    Feature documentary

  • Funding:
    Donations are still being accepted

  • Status:

    In digital theatrical release. Watch online today.

  • Filmmakers:
    Nancy Spielberg, Executive Producer
    Ori Eisen, Executive Producer
    Mirit Eisen, Executive Producer
    Yonatan Nir, Writer/Director
    Dani Menkin, Writer/Director

  • Film website:

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